Product Description

The second term of the KGF Support Loan 2 program, which was previously prepared as a separate package to be provided out of the Agency’s own funds, has been initiated in order to meet the demands for the guarantee limits received intensively by our Agency from Banks, and to ensure the continuity of support provided to SMEs.


Source for Guarantee

KGF Equity


Related Financial Institutions / Corporations

Denizbank, Emlak Katılım Bankası, Garanti Bankası, Halkbank, Ing Bank, İş Bankası, Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası, Qnb Finansbank, Şekerbank, Türk Ekonomi Bankası, Türkiye Finans Katılım Bankası, Yapı Kredi Bankası, Vakıfbank, Vakıf Katılım Bankası, Ziraat Katılım Bankası, Ziraat Bankası


Product Maturity

Maximum 24 months, including a maximum grace period of 6 months

Guarantee Cap Rate and Guarantee Rates



Loan Products Available

  • Cash Loan / Murabaha Products
  • Non-cash Loan


Fee and Commission Rates

  • For each new guarantee application or restructuring/repayment application that the Lender may file within the scope of the program, it shall deposit a TL 1,500 guarantee amount up to TL 1.5 million TL (excluding 1.5 million TL), TL 3,000 for a guarantee amount between TL 1.5 million and TL 3 million (excluding TL 3 million), or TL 4,500 for a guarantee amount between TL 3 million and TL 5 million as an application fee in the Agency’s account with the lender. In the event of the beneficiary not being included in the portfolio for any reason, the guarantee is deemed to be invalid or canceled, or the restructuring procedure is to be discontinued. The collected application fee will not be refunded.


  • The commission shall not be refunded if a loan is closed before its date of maturity.