Decision No 2019/793 "Decision on the Amendment of the Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated February 28, 2019, no 30700)
Decision No 2019/681 "Decision on the Amendment of the Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated January 30, 2019, no 30671)
Decision No 2018/162 "Decision on the Amendment of the Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated October 11, 2018, no 30562)
2017/11177 No "Decision on the Amendment of the Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated January 1, 2018, no 30288)
2017/9969 No "Decision on Amendment of the Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated March 10, 2017, no 30003)
Decision No 2016/9538 on "Treasury Support Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated November 22, 2016 and no 29896)
Decision No 2015/8310 of the Council of Ministers on the Amendment of "Council of Ministers Decree 2015/7331 on Procedures and Principles Governing the Treasury Support to be Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" (Official Gazette dated 18.12.2015, numbered 29566)
Decision of the Council of Ministers Amending the "Decision on Procedures and Principles Governing the Treasury Support to be provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions" about raising the upper limit of the Treasury support to be provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions to 2 billion TL, the upper limit of the total amount of the guarantees to be given to the shipbuilding industry to 5 billion TL and the upper limit of the total amount of the guarantees to be given by the KGF under Treasury Support to 15 billion TL. (Official Gazette No. 29396, dated June 24, 2015)
The amendment made in Provisional Article 20, paragraph one of Law No. 4749 dated 28/3/2002 on Public Finance and Debt Management, to allow for increasing the upper limit of the support which can be provided by the Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury to Credit Guarantee Institutions to 2 Billion TL. (Official Gazette dated April 7, 2015 and no 29319)
Decision of the Council of Ministers on the Procedures and Principles Governing the Treasury Support to be Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions (Official Gazette dated February 28, 2015 and no 29281)
Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Governing the Classification of the Loans and Other Receivables and the Reserves to be Provided by the Banks in relation to the Credit Guarantee Fund Collaterals not Funded by the Undersecretariat of Treasury which should be considered under Second Category Guarantees (Official Gazette dated February 14, 2015 and numbered 29267)
Decision of the Council of Ministers on the Procedures and Principles Governing the Treasury Support to be Provided to Credit Guarantee Institutions(Official Gazette dated July 15, 2009 and no 27289)
Decision of the Council of Ministers on the Establishment of Credit Guarantee Fund (Official Gazette dated July 14, 1993, no 21637)
Pursuant to the Corporate Tax Law No. 5520, Article 4 on Exemptions, KGF is exempt from Corporate Tax. (Corporate Tax Law, Article: 4)
Pursuant to the Value Added Tax Law No. 3065, Article 17, subparagraph 4/e on Exemptions of Social and Military Nature, KGF is exempt from Value Added Tax in its Credit Guarantee Transactions. (Value Added Tax Law, Article: 17)
According to the Stamp Duty Law no. 488, Article 9 on Exemptions, Table 2, papers issued by KGF for the purpose of Providing Loan Guarantee are exempt from Stamp Duty. (Stamp Duty Law, Table No.2)
Under the Fees Law no 492, Article 123, Loan Guarantee Transactions by KGF (Except for Judiciary Fees) are exempt from the Fees indicated in the Law. (Law on Fees, Article: 123)